Types of User Interfaces

Computers have become much more interactive in recent years which has led to a variety of new interfaces that are available for users. Some of the types of interfaces include graphical user interfaces, touch interfaces, voice interfaces, and augmented reality.

Graphical User Interfaces

These forms of interfaces typically include windows, icons, menus, buttons, and scrolling bars as well as motion, video, audio, and virtual reality features. We use these every day in computer applications, computer games, and on our cell phones as well. The newer interfaces available allow the user to interact through a touch on the screen or through movement of the body.

Touch Interfaces

With this type of interface, the user can directly interact with their screen display just by using of their fingers. A stylus can also be used in the same way on the screen. Touch screen interfaces are available in our everyday lives, for example, at a grocery store checkout, at the airport, or in our favorite handheld games and devices.

Voice Interfaces

Voice interfaces give the user the ability to simply speak in order to interact with the device. This may seem like an easier form for most, because it is more natural than having to use touch to maneuver around the technology. The computer is able to detect the user’s speech and carry out commands based on what is spoken, and it is a very popular interface as there is a rise in the use of mobile devices. A good example of this is how Siri is used on Apple devices.

Augmented Reality

This interface is unique in that its purpose is to create a simulation of reality in an effort to enhance the viewer’s perception of the real world. It is the superimposition of computer-generated text, graphics, audio, GPS data, etc… Google has created a product with this interface called Google Glass that contains a touch pad on the side for swiping, a camera that takes photo and video, and a visual display that shows info in front of the user’s eyes. This is one of the most advanced yet growing forms of technology.


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